Monday, July 28, 2008

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

My very patient radiation therapists, in an attempt to answer my endless questions, suggested that I bring a camera. Here are the pictures and a description of what is going on:

When I arrive, I lay down on the platform, and place my head in the back-half of the mask. My head is now resting in a cradle that is attached to the table.

The top half of the mask is placed over my face. As the mask is placed, I bite into the mouthpiece attached to the top half of the mask and it is bolted to the cradle. Next, an x-ray is taken to confirm my exact position on the table. The white balls on the mask are used to precisely measure my location. Adjustments will be made to the table and x-rays re-taken until the postioning is perfect.

This is the first of eight beam positions used each day. The radiation treatment at each beam position takes about one minute.

This is position #2. The machine position doesn't move during a treatment, but the leaves that shape the beam do. The beam is shaped and the shape of the beam adjusts during each treatment position to deliver the exact dose needed. While I'm being treated, I can hear the leaves that shape the beam changing position.

And position #3.

After the first three positions, the technician moves the table, and we complete position #4.

Then, position #5. Although the table needs to be manually adjusted, the Novalis machine moves itself.

After one more table adjustment, I'm ready for the 6th position. The floor of the room moves out of the way so that the machine can move into this position.

Position #7

And finally - the last treatment of the day!

So that's the photo-tour of Fractionated Stereotactic/Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy. One bonus question - any guesses what I'm holding and why I'm holding it?
To More Faith,


Anonymous said...

Amy and Family,

Cheryl F. forwarded your blog to us. We are so sorry you are going through this again. We will be with you again in prayer! Your blog is wonderful and so thorough, of course! (I remember the time we went to Bob and Doug's baseball game and you asked all those "technical" baseball questions I couldn't answer. I said, "Here is what you do when you watch your husband's game... talk to your girlfriends and watch the game when your husband is batting!") Hee Hee
We were touched by the comments from your boys! Precious! We love you and will be praying all the time for you. Doug, Shelly, Nikita and Amar

Anonymous said...

Amy, I know this can't be fun for you - your head is bolted to the table?!? But I do find it very fascinting. Your blog is so educational and it's very cool that you're showing us the process! I have no idea what you are holding on to.... you'll have to tell all. Susie

Unknown said...

i'm so glad it's going well so far!

We are thinking about you and praying for you every day!


Sue, Steve, Robert & Andrew