Saturday, February 14, 2009


".. Suffering produces perseverance; perseverance character, and character, hope"

- Hebrews 6:19

I'll start with really good news - I had my first post-radiation check-up MRI on Tuesday, and it looks great!

From a medical point of view, the radiation therapy I had is considered successful if the tumor stops growing. Since this is a benign tumor - it can really only cause harm by growing. Though tiny in June, it is now significantly smaller - and this only occurs about 15% of the time. This was the best possible news. At this point, the chances of a recurrence are small. I will continue having regular MRI's, and will start the annual cycle in June this year.

In addition to great news on my neurological health, I had a successful knee surgery two weeks ago. After two failed attempts, this is also a huge relief. We had warm weather this week in Cincinnati, and it feels to me like the thaw in Narnia when Aslan arrives in The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe.

So many of you have been critical in getting Bob and I through the last several months. We cannot thank you enough. While we've truly had every need met, it's been a rough few months emotionally. As much as I am aware that many, many people have much tougher challenges that I've faced - I'll admit that this has been difficult. Sometimes, embarrasingly difficult. In the end, I can only try to do the following:

"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful."
Hebrews 10:23

To More Faith,


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