Wednesday, July 16, 2008

How are the boys?

Bob and I are often asked how the boys are handling the tumor. Aidan is 11 1/2, Connor is 10 and Liam is 7 1/2. When my check-up required additional tests, we did tell them that the doctors needed to do more tests to be certain that the tumor hadn't grown back. That was followed by, "okay, what's for dinner?". The good news in our family is that our children are well accustomed to hearing about brain tumors. Lately, they've also heard a lot about knees. I've had two knee surgeries in the last year, and while they certainly know I'm frustrated, they're not worried about anything truly terrible happening as a result.

When we told the boys that the final tests had indicated that the tumor was regrowing, each of them had comments and questions that were right in line with their personalities. Aidan (future research scientist) said: "The doctors are going to use radiation to kill the tumor? Sweet! What color is radiation? Can I watch? How come you can't just stand next to the microwave?" Connor (future lawyer/salesperson) said: "What makes them so certain? What if they're wrong? How will you really know if they're right?" Liam (playing the baby of the family card), crawled into my lap, gave me a hug and asked: "Will you still be smart?" He certainly gave words to my biggest fear. Later, Liam said: "Mom, what are you doing, are you writing about me on your blog? Since I'm almost eight, can you just round up and tell everybody that I'm eight?"

The most profound discussion came a few days later. Aidan and I were baking cookies together, and I asked him how he was feeling about the tumor situation. I was trying to be the sensitive parent who makes sure that each child has a chance to express their feelings. Aidan looked at my quizzically, and asked "what do you mean?". I asked him if he was worried about anything, or if he had questions. He said "why would I worry?", and then began to quote:

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

Phillipians 4:6-7

This verse was part of the Bible quiz verses last season, and one the boys worked hard to memorize. I was speechless at Aidan's composure and faith. End of "helpful parental conversation" and back to making cookies!

To More Faith,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just want you to know that my prayers are with you daily - for God's peace and strength and love to surround you and your family.
Blessings and love,
Cindy Kabalin and family